Use "looks like the shadow of his former self|look like the shadow of his former self" in a sentence

1. After the accident he became a pathetic figure, a shadow of his former self.

2. Sharpness docks is now a shadow of it's former self.

3. He reportedly suffered a stroke last summer and in rare appearances since has looked a shadow of his former paunchy self.

4. This town Became a shadow of its former self after so many local businesses closed down

5. He's a mere husk of his former self.

6. There was only the husk left of his former self.

7. The recollection cannot diverge, looks like the shadow to remain.

8. Theosophy became after the thirties a shadow of the former mind - swaying movement.

9. She is married to a former president who has lost none of his self-regard.

10. A man once famed for his intolerance, xenophobia and irrational rages has become a husk of his former self.

11. His shadow eclipsing the sun.

12. An air of indomitable resolution came and went upon his face like a vain and passing shadow.

13. / The shadow apologized for his Bruskness

14. 21 He didn't sound like his usual happy self.

15. Become; Become a fan of (someone or something) Become a shadow of (someone's or something's) former self; Become a shadow of (someone's or something's) old self; Become a thorn in (one's) flesh; Become a thorn in (one's) side; Become fond of (someone or something) Become friends with (someone) Become grounds for (something) Become hip to

16. Like the shadow of a massive crag in a parched land.

17. He flees like a shadow and disappears.

18. Like other velstracs, Augurs are native to the Shadow Plane

19. 23 Doug lived in the shadow of his seemingly omnipotent father.

20. She has become a grotesque parody of her former elegant self.

21. For that reason, the former tributaries and vassals who became self-reliant Affranchised themselves from the influence of their former masters

22. The new leader wants to escape from the shadow of his predecessor.

23. (Matthew 28:19, 20) He will protect his people “in the shadow of his hand.”

24. 23 She has become a grotesque parody of her former elegant self.

25. Atmanepada, contrary to the former one is a self-serving one

26. His wingspan is huge and so is his shadow on the earth.

27. The spy was known only by his Cryptonym, 'Shadow'

28. Tom looks just like his mother.

29. He employed a detective to shadow his wife.

30. It turned out to be his own shadow.

31. Perhaps Daine wouldn't like what she was planning for his self-designed afterlife.

32. Looks like somebody lost his boots.

33. On this hilltop, she walked in his shadow.

34. Like all former managers and station masters, he was keen to justify his own stewardship.

35. Alumni: Graduates or former students of a particular educational institution; former members, employees, contributors, or the like

36. It was really hard for him to self-Aggrandize his awesomeness in the face of something like this.

37. (Psalm 90:10) Humans come and go like green grass, like a passing shadow, like an exhalation.

38. The essence of Wing Chun is to follow one's shadow, not his hand.

39. Twisted like the Shadow Stalker, the Acolytes aid in his hunts, taking the appearance and abilities of different Warframes, and all bearing the distinctive helmet of their master.

40. Tom is like his father in looks.

41. Darnley then mourns the death of his former lover.

42. His mother Abigail was the former wife of Nabal.

43. Like the psalmist David, I feel that I have walked in a “valley of deep shadow.”

44. 10 When a man speaks or acts with good intention. Then happiness follows him like his shadow that never leaves him.

45. It must be strange to be locked in combat with the ghost of your former self

46. The man saw his shadow, looked up , and muttered: " Good afternoon. "

47. His former friend delivered the eulogy on his funeral.

48. The Anthozoans can distinguish self from non-self like tissues contiguous conspecifics

49. Or the full moon throw a shadow... over the gravel of the drive... that was like me?

50. Self-Abasement like the sort of conceit the knight most loathed, the <conceit of self-Abasement> - English Only forum The wallowing in private emotion, the utter Abasement of his manly self - English Only forum Visit the Spanish-English Forum.

51. The light from my candle threw his elongated shadow on the walls.

52. Like a flower he blossoms and then withers; like a shadow he flees and never stays.

53. A ghostly shadow is an example of an Amorphous shadow.

54. Former husband Drew Briney divorced his former wife while filming the second season of the hit TLC show.

55. She looks a bit like his cousin Maureen.

56. His new government looks pretty much like the old one.

57. Former prime minister Kevin Rudd is unmanly and like a snake for leaking a damaging story about his successor Julia Gillard, a former Labor leader says.

58. His self -portraits, like his talents, are full of ebullience, richness and humanity, which up to today, are arousing the viewers resonance from the depth of heart.

59. Because of my former husband and his family?

60. 28 Tom is like his father in looks.

61. The man battered his former wife about.

62. Like a thousand insect-eyes glimmering in shadow, they are watching you.

63. Complacency look like the cat that swallowed the canary To look smug; to appear very self-satisfied or pleased. This self-evident expression has been in use since 1871

64. They make anyone wearing them look like a frumpy Eskimo with low self esteem.

65. They were surprised by his sudden repudiation of all his former beliefs.

66. But Springer, the former mayor of Cincinnati, insists on offering a self-righteous lecture at the end of each program.

67. He looks terrible, his nose red, his eyes swollen like little ravioli.

68. Two young girls wander in a broken world filled with remnants of its former self: Arcaea.

69. 8 Zuckerberg's sophomoric former self, he insists, shouldn't define who he is now.

70. But I have also known what it is like to traverse a “valley of deep shadow.”

71. IN THE shadow of snowcapped Mount Hermon, Jesus Christ reaches a major milestone in his life.

72. Clarke swung at his shadow the accusation that he was "a tabloid politician".

73. A Candlestick is composed of three parts; the upper shadow, lower shadow and body

74. His complicity with the former government had led to his downfall.

75. It seems that Aeschines is finally emerging from the shadow of his more famous adversary, Demosthenes

76. But his style casts a dark shadow over the material, rendering it claustrophobic.

77. Abjured the errors of his former faith When would forswear be …

78. Kiku rode sedately down the slope towards Burun and Suragai followed her like a shadow.

79. At this stage of his hair regrowth the hair condition looks like Alopecia areata.

80. John chanced upon a former colleague of his at the airport.